“Did You Take This?” is a collaborative project between the artist Louie Stewart and young people living in Euston's Regents Park Estate. Over the course of three months, Stewart worked on a series of workshops which explored how his participants could translate their experiences of environment, culture and family bonds through photography.

“As a practitioner I wanted to think about ways photography could be used as a tool to empower communities. In speaking with Derek Wiafe about his own socially engaged projects I saw there were opportunities to use this way of working to bring funding into socially deprived communities. I worked alongside him to start the idea of reaching out to Camden Council and forming partnerships through my own voluntary work at within the community.”


Self Portrait by Nicky with her mother and sisters, Regents Park Estate, 2023

Alexio, Regents Park Estate, 2023

Nicky Self Portrait, The Warren, 2023

Isabella & Lara, Augustus House, 2023

Majid, Bucklebury, 2023

Yassin, The Warren, 2023

The Young Guardians, Bucklebury, 2023